Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fantasia: a sneak peek

I walked past the new jimjilbang today and was waved in; the grand open(ing) isn't until Friday but people can visit now.
It's a nice place but a little cramped. It is roomy enough but the unrelieved white does make it seem closer.
The weight room is fine for a visit but I wouldn't get a membership for it.
There are two restaurants and a snack concession. Here, you see tables for the western (fast food) restaurant. There are sleeping areas on this, the main floor, but many more above in a sort of crawl space.
KwandongAlex gives you a sense of proportion. Well not at all private, they do offer a feeling of personal space.
They still need to work on a few things (maybe it is the weight-loss sauna).
They are closing early before the Grand Opening, so I was able to take a picture of the baths. The pools pictured here were all of the same temperature but that might change later. There is a cold pool off to the right.
Again, Fantasia is next to the apartment so I expect the family will be visiting frequently.


skindleshanks said...

Looks like not much has changed since Sporium went under. I went there once, and in the 20 minutes I was in the bath area, I saw at least two people slip on the loose rocks they had around the center pool. I hope they have gotten rid of the rocks. I still wonder if the building is "jinxed, though.

kwandongbrian said...

The pebbles are still there -my son calls them 'i-ya, i-ya' - he recognizes them as foot-acupuncture stones and we ham up the pain when we walk across them.

I wrote that the walls seemed closer than Hae-su-pia's and I have decided that it is the lack of windows at Fantasia, compared to Hae-su-pia.

Although it is further away, I think I prefer Hae-su-pia.